Today’s Prayer Call – God Watches Over you – The Blessing – Numbers 6:24-26 9/28/2020🙏;

Numbers 6:24-26 AMPC

The Lord bless you and watch, guard, and keep you;🙏

25 The Lord make His face to shine upon and enlighten you and be gracious (kind, merciful, and giving favor) to you;

26 The Lord lift up His [approving] countenance upon you and give you peace (tranquility of heart and life continually).

As God’s Children, we are encouraged as we experience God’s Sovereignty over our lives. Beyond what our eyes can see God has blessings in store for each one of us.

The stresses of life experienced during these unprecedented times can have one feeling so challenged, overwhelmed and so broken. However, in all of this we recognize that God is not blinded to our situations. God is all powerful and “is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we may ask or think.” The doors God chooses to open in our lives can leave us standing in awe. He also can close the doors that he feels would harm us and is not good for us.

Be encouraged that the Greatest blessings today may come from times of extreme testing. It is then we experience that God will turn things around. He makes every crooked path straight. He is a ‘Way Maker, Miracle Worker, light in the darkness.’ He turns our mourning into dancing. He turns our trials into triumphs.

We are children of the most High God. We are His People and the Sheep of His Pastures. The Power of Prayer will transform our families, loved ones, our communities, our state, our nation, our world. God watches over His word to perform it. God watches over His children.


Our Father who art in Heaven, we Hallow your name and thank you for your Great Love and blessing over our lives. We praise you today that your favor has no end, it indeed lasts for a lifetime. Please forgive us Father for not always remembering how much you love us and that you are so acquainted with all our ways and everything that concerns us you said you will prefect (Psalm 138:8). Father, Thank you for protecting us today. Thank you for allowing the works of our hands to be established bringing honor and Glory to your name. Lord please download the wisdom we we need today to hear your voice. Make us instruments of your Peace as you make us strong to receive your atomic blessings over our families, Good Sam, our community, our nation, our world in Jesus name we pray Amen!